Wednesday, September 20, 2006

ARCH Homeschool

Recently, Mike welcomed an area school group to the studio. The ARCH Homeschool students were on a field trip investigating photography as a career. After a studio tour and informative presentation, Mike felt sure there were a few budding professionals in the crowd. The Nichols family has always placed a very high premium on education (the daughters will back us up on this point). The ARCH students were a pleasure to teach and we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with them.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Our Five Cents Worth

Staff News
*Mike and Lindsey continue a busy teaching schedule of seminars on "digital weddings." They give back to their professional community by sharing their expertise with other pros nationwide.
*The annual international print competition for professional photographers has come to an end and we're celebrating here at the studio! All 3 of our talented shooters made quite an impression on the judges. Between them, a total of 10 art photographs will hang at the Imaging USA Exhibit in San Antonio, TX in January of 2007. Congrats to Mike, Lindsey, and Lori!
*We're getting published! Again! Mike's image Sleepy Harbor and Lindsey's image Deceptive Reverence were both accepted for publication in the prestigious international"Loan Book." In addition, Mike's image Baseball Ballet was accepted for publication in the "Photographer's Showcase Book." You can view these images by clicking on our Featured Galleries and Mike & Lindsey's respective Fine Art buttons.
*Friday, August 4th, - that's opening night for Lori's solo print exhibit at the Cairdeas coffee house in St. Louis, MO. Her eclectic collection of architectural, landscape, and nature images will remain on display through the month of August.

Helpful Hints for the "Sunday Shooter"
Digital outdoor shots - Make sure the sun is behind the shooter to illuminate the subject matter, otherwise your shot will be overexposed and look washed out. Make sure the sun is behind the subject if you want to create a silhouette.

Favorite Quote
"Photography records the gamut of feelings on the human face, the beauty of the earth and skies that man has inherited. . . . " ~Edward Steichen

Georgia's Journal
An inexpensive kiddie pool is a great summer idea for your dog. Caution: No puppies allowed! Be sure that pets can use it without risk of drowning. You wouldn't leave your child alone around water, so don't leave your pet unattended either. Also, remember - paws are sensitive and hot pavement can cause burns. Walk pets on dirt or grass if possible.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Fine Arts Day

Recently, Mike and Lindsey were honored to accept an invitation to speak at two St. Louis schools on Fine Arts Day. Their multiple presentations and gallery exhibits were eagerly welcomed at Rohan Woods (pre-K through 6th gr.) and Beasley Elementary (K - 5th). Interacting with over 500 students proved to be inspirational. They are filled with the pure joy of life and contagious enthusiasm. Our photographers dazzled them with digital to receive thrilled responses of "oohs, aahs, gasps, and giggles," followed by a surprisingly challenging Q & A.